Monday, May 22, 2006


"Mr McGee... don't make me angry... you wouldn't like me when I'm angry..." -Incredible Hulk

Sometimes I know that people feel that I can be "overly sensitive". Not like "aaaawwww, look at the cute baby" or "that movie was so touching"sensitive. More like "I hate the Dallas Mavs and hope that Mark Cuban loses all his money, wife, and is back at being just a geek." kind of sensitive. Well tonight (15 minutes ago) the San Antonio Spurs lost their '06 playoff series. That is not what I wanted to write about, instead I want to write about something my wife said. At the end of the game my wife looked down at my dog Chloe and said "Well, daddy is gonna be real moody tonight." Ouch!

I wish I could control my mood like Jesus. He was awesome at that. For example, while standing in front of Pilate, Pilate asks Jesus many questions. Pilate asks, "Are you the king of the Jews?" and Jesus calmly responds "It is as you say." It is as you say!!! I would be like, "Hey dude, dont be a moron I am God's son. I am so powerful that I am not only king of Jews but I am king of YOU!!! However instead he just respond peacefully.

I am trying hard to be more like Him, but its something that creeps up on my like Lou Ferrigno in the Incredible Hulk. Like the other day I am driving down the highway and am about to exit. I am not in a rush, I am actually heading to a Youth Ministers meeting at Chuy's (Mexican food joint) and I am gonna be real early. After I exit I am driving down the access road when someone pulls out of a shopping center and cuts across 4 lanes just to get over to the turnaround. Now this area is ALWAYs busy so leaving that center you are bound to cut someone off unless you wait there for a couple of days. So anyway this person pulls out cuts across and cuts off me and 3 other drivers. I slam on the brakes and here comes the Hulk. I want to plant the grille guard of my 1/2 ton in the back of that over-priced luxury suv. How dare they disrespect me like that. As I get closer the the person on thier side in order to stare them down I realize that this is a parent of a youth I minister to. Boy didnt I feel like a capital "J" "E" "R" "K".

My wife made a good point "Do you want my son to grow up and be like that?" No of course not. Jesus let me be like you so he will not be like me!

Jesus, how did you do it?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Long time no blog...

Wow, it has been a long time since I last blogged here. I guess I have been kinda busy. As a youth director I have been geeting us ready for camps, mission trips, graduations, and so much more. With the baby coming in 3 months life is starting to get a little crazier and undoubtedly will get even more afterwards. I have been feeling like the time that I spend with God is getting smaller and everything else is getting bigger. This is definitely a human condition in regards to our worship to God. God always seems to get what is left over. If we are running short of money and not of month we tend to cut down how much we tithe. If we wake up late in the morning we completely put God on the back burner. If we have a lot of catching up to do with our chores or our family we take a Sunday off. What is wrong with us? Don't we know that he is our king. I was watching a History Channel episode on "Castles" the other day and they were talking about how kings would build the castles and the people living with-in it walls would live for the king. If anyone would do anything that the King did not like they would be punished. Actually some castles had a room called an Oubliette, which comes from the french word oublier, "to forget," as it was used for prisoners whom it was desired to forget. It is said in the book of Revelations that we are either to be hot or cold, not lukewarm for go will spit us out. I ahve been thinking about that verse and I have come to a conclusion. Someone who is cold does not know God's Love at all. Someone who is hot knows God's love and shows it through their everyday life. Someone who is lukewarm knows God's love but doesn't choose to live for him. Whats worse being lukewarm or cold, well abviously lukewarm because you know how amazing our God is yet you CHOOSE to live for this world. Shame on you. Shame on me. Shame on us! Thank you Lord that you don't forget about us. That you keep us close eventhough we stray. Help us to show you how hot we are.