Friday, August 31, 2007

Connor Hates Elmo... I Think?

I take Fridays off... So I try to spend them doing something with my son, Connor. Today for example we took him to the Dallas World Aquarium. After the aquarium mommy got tired so I decided to sit down with Connor and watch his Sesame Streets that we have TIVOed (God bless the invenor of TIVO). Anyhow his mom always tells me that he LOVES Sesame Street... that is until Elmo comes on. So while his mommy was napping Connor and I watched Sesame Street. He was loving it! Clapping his hands and bouncing up and down... until Elmo's world came on. At that very moment he stopped watching and proceeded to play with blocks. At first I thought maybe his attention just runs out by the time Elmo's World comes on. Wrong. I fast fowarded it to a part with Bert and Ernie and he was back to watching it! So now it was time to try a few more experiments. I decided to wait until about 6PM when he had been playing with toys for a while and had already had dinner. I put on an episode from earlier this week. Immediately he started bouncing up and down clapping his hands. About 15 minutes later Elmo's World comes on and he stops watching. In the name I science I will continue testing my hypothesis and change up the variables (start Elmo first, no Elmo at all, etc). I want to see if it is an attention thing or if Connor is like his daddy and thinks Elmo is incredibly annoying. Long live Bert and Ernie (there is nothing wierd about to heterosexual guys living together all their lives... right?) j/k


Mommy said...

Funny now he loves Elmo he points to him everytime. This week Sesame Street Live is coming to town and there is no way he is going to miss that!! Daddy and son day, should be fun!! I miss my two guys.

Anonymous said...

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