Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I am a Lazy Blogger!

It is the funniest thing when there is a lot of stuff going on in my life... that is when I don't take time to blog. However when I have time to blog is when I don't have much going on, thus not much to write about. SO even though today I am busier then ever I decided that during this little time I have for lunch I am gonna write something.

This summer has been one crazy ride. From May 16 - July 27th I had spent nearly 27 days away from my home and family. I was building house for 2 weeks in Juarez, Mexico with High School kids one week and College kids the other. I took some 30 something middle school students to work in a homeless shelter for a week. I also spent countless days on random team building and spiritually uplifting retreats.

When I finally did get back home I realized that the rest of my summer was not a downhill coast but instead I was a pack-mule getting ready to venture up Mt. Everest. All of August I have been planning Fall bible studies, New Sunday School classes, Confirmation Class, Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser, Winter Ski Trip, and a week long Youth Event! That weekend long Youth Event ran from August 12-17 and I thought I was gonna burn-out bad. However everyday no matter how stressed or tired I would get... God gave me strength.

It seems that even when I was not taking ANY time to devote myself to Him, He did devote Himself to me! Praise God that when I am not aware of Him in my everyday... He is ALWAYS aware of me.
(the above picture is the Middle School Students I took to San Antonio! Awesome Kids!)

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