Tuesday, July 18, 2006

War... When and what for?

In my last blog I wrote about war in a negative aspect. Sometimes war is necessary especially when we are protecting those who cannot protect themselves. When Nazi Germany brutally exterminated millions of Jews, ethnic cleansing in of Serbs; and other atrocities like that it is worse for us to not do anything. When Christians stand-by and do nothing evil prevails. Is the war in Iraq good? I don't know. I know the evils of Saddam Hussein and his regime, and about the hundreds of thousands he has had exterminated. If we went to war for that, why haven't we done the same for places Rwanda? Was it for WMD's, is so what about North Korea and Iran. Was it for oil or personal vendetta? I certainly hope not. I don't know for certain the motives of our president, but I will not judge him. I will support him and his decisions and trust that he will do what is right. What I do know is that I don't want to be president. I dont know if I could handle the criticisms, pressures, and all the advice both good and bad. Am I a democrat MOST DEFINITELY not! Am I a Republican I don't know about that either. What I do know is that I am a Christian and I will support what I think is right. The life of all children born and unborn, helping those that are unfortunate, equality among all, and the freedom to believe, speak, and live the way I want to.

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